Limerick City and County Council has submitted an application under Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended for the following proposal:
The development of a Design and Innovation Hub at Nos. 35 – 39 Nicholas Street (a Proposed Protected Structure (Ref. No.: P.P.S. 2024/A)) to comprise artist studios, workspaces, retail area, exhibition space and café/restaurant with associated outdoor area adjoining St. Peter Street. The development will include the erection of new part two storey, part single storey building incorporating the upstanding walls of the medieval house and their associated fabric and features at Nos. 36-39 Nicholas Street, the change of use from residential, refurbishment and renovation of No. 35 Nicholas Street, the demolition of a two storey extension to the rear and its replacement with a three storey extension, the erection of a single storey workshop unit to the rear of No. 35 and all associated site works. This development is within the site of Recorded Monuments, LI005-017006 and LI005-017123, both classified as House-medieval.
All proposals, documents and particulars related to the Part 8 application can be viewed by clicking on the below link: